Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where Have All The Chick Flicks Gone?-Veda Rains

I was recently strolling the movie aisle in the local “ahem” super center, half-hoping to come across an awesome find (a cheap movie to watch for my night off!). As I grazed each row, I became more and more convinced there was nothing I desired. Three or four years ago, this would not have been the case. I admit, I’m a lover of “chick flick” movies, and around that time I was buying every single chick flick movie under the sun. Now the films weren’t Oscar-worthy (who am I kidding, it’s pure popcorn fare), but they were enjoyable, entertaining, and sometimes heart-warming. I would buy and watch (and rewatch) these every other month (or, in some cases, week). They were a great way to escape from reality and I’ve recently gained that yearning for them once again.

So I have to ask, where have all of the chick flicks gone? I look back at this year’s film releases. Nothing stands out…not even…well, maybe Something Borrowed, but while it was cute and dreamy (and downright backstabbing), it just didn’t feed my chick flick fix (where were the sympathetic characters-save for Ethan?). You Again was a pleasant surprise but wait, that was released in 2010! So here are some (just a few, mind you) of my personal favorite chick flicks to fill the void, until something magnificent (nay, just plain good) comes along (Yes, I know a lot of these go under “romantic comedy” as well):

When Harry Met Sally

This is the ultimate romantic comedy! If you haven’t seen it yet, I strongly suggest you do so. The chemistry, the story, everything just does it for me!

Bridget Jones’s Diary

One of my screenwriting instructors gave his students a list of devices NOT TO USE when writing a screenplay. However, he threw out his own rules when he admitted that this film is one of his favorite films of all time! When chick flicks can cross the gender line, you know you have something special! And it doesn't hurt that Colin Firth is easy on the eyes for the ladies.

A League of Their Own

I watched the VHS of this so much as a child, it broke in my uncle’s VCR. Somehow he was able to put it back together. It’s got a lot of heart and strong women!

The Women

The ultimate chick flick (Hello! The only people you will see in this film are WOMEN) has biting wit and charm-not to mention, Norma Shearer & Joan Crawford. No wonder numerous attempts at remaking the film have faltered.

And a Few More:

Romancing the Stone

Dirty Dancing

Titanic (it took me a few years-maybe 8? Before I came to enjoy this film)

Steel Magnolias

Fried Green Tomatoes

Definitely, Maybe

What are some of your favorite chick flicks?


  1. Romancing the Stone is brill. Harry Met Sally is classic. I love alot of the ones on your list but theres a few others I'd include like French Kiss, Garden State, and I'd even put Amelie up there as well.

  2. LOVE When Harry Met Sally, Garden State and Amelie! I'd even say 500 Days of Summer, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Clueless, Win A Date With Tad Hamilton, and While You Were Sleeping. I feel like the best chick flicks were really in the 80's and 90's...That's just my humble opinion though.
