Friday, September 16, 2011

Keira Knightley: The Duchess Oscar Snub- Veda Rains

With A Dangerous Method about to hit theaters, Keira Knightley has been garnering talk of a possible Oscar nod for her extreme portrayal of Sabina Spielrein, a patient of Dr. Carl Jung. It's been a while since Knightley has taken on such a high profile role. Known for her choice in "costume" dramas, Knightley's only nomination for the highly sought-after golden guy came about while playing Elizabeth Bennet in 2005's Pride & Prejudice. While the film, overall, was beautifully-executed, and well-acted, there's one role that Knightley has played that deserved much more recognition than she received for P&P: Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire.
First of all, if you haven't seen it, rent (or Netflix, Red Box, whatever you do, do) it! Knightley is in top-form and truly rises above all expectations. Longing to be loved, a modern woman trapped in a time where a man could do what he pleased (and his wife was to keep her mouth shut), Knightley gives a tender, somewhat fragile portrayal of a young woman thrust into a cold, unfeeling marriage. The viewer truly sees Georgiana grow right in front of her/his eyes. Georgiana also experiences a wide range of emotions throughout the film, and Knightley plays each one in top form, nothing forced, simply organic, real. Why she didn't get nominated, is beyond me. She truly gives it her all, and deserves to be recognized for it! So check it out! Ralph Fiennes also has a memorable role as the Duke, a man who finds it difficult to display emotion or treat others the way they deserve to be treated.

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