Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So you want to move to Hollywood?- Veda Rains

When I took the plunge two years ago (almost to the day) to move to LA, I didn't know what to expect. Perhaps, that's why it ended the way it did. Sure, I had saved money, read industry books, written out an employment plan...even called a couple places for job opportunities (either got the machine a few times, or they wouldn't even pick up the phone) before I moved. Still, I had no idea what I was getting myself into - although I was "so sure" I did.
Before I left for LA, I even wrote a note to friends and coworkers on Facebook about my choice to make the big move and said: "even if nothing professional comes of this experience, I feel it will not be a failure. If anything, it will broaden my range as a writer and better shape my character." I stand by that and believe it to be true. It was a great experience and I hope to give it a go again (yes, again) in the future. But this time, I have more knowledge behind me.
I can go back many times and say "shoulda" "coulda" woulda," but what's done is done. And I'm not bitter (although I did get a job offer at a company about 6-8 months after I tearfully moved back-dang it! But realistically-speaking, I could not have held out that long). I learned a great deal from others and gained great friends and good experience! I even got to work on a couple of films, a commercial, be an assistant, etc. There were many factors that played into my move back home. The big one: Finances. So tip #1: Save, save, save like you've never saved before!

This leads up to...
I want to share what I've learned from others who've lived there and what they've shared with me. I also want to share with you some helpful websites & blogs that have very honest and insightful information if you're thinking about taking the plunge.
I will be posting on this in the future, so stay tuned! Right now I want to share with you this cool blog by a professional script reader. Dig in:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Veda :) I am thinking of moving to LA and can't wait to hear more of your advice!
