Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Top 5 Movie Endings - DeWinter

My Top 5 Favorite Movie Endings
Obviously if you haven't seen any of these movies, there will be spoilers. Read at your own risk. Also it should be noted that I have a lot of other favorite last scenes, but these are the ones that have stuck with me the most. Also, these are just my opinions, you may agree, you may not, but here they are...
5. Fight Club: In order to kill his alter go, Tyler puts a bullet through his brain while the whole city is falling down in rubble all around him. To make things better, he gets the girl. Sure she's a little nuts, but aren't we all. Add in the incredible “Where Is My Mind?” by the Pixies, and you’ve got it made. Brilliant end to a brilliant movie.
4. Sideways-Okay, so it isn’t what one would expect. But the simple, understated ending is perfect for this wonderful movie. It's ambiguous, which normally I hate, but the final scene of him knocking on her door with her message playing in the background leaves the audience anticipating what’s going to happen next. Smart move.
3. Garden State-Frou Frou’s beautiful “Let Go” is the perfect choice for this end scene. We finally get to see the main character take a chance on something big. Not to mention, I’ve always been a sucker for running with purpose scenes…
2. The Graduate-One of the BEST movie endings of all time. It’s supposed to be happy when the guy gets the girl, but when the guy in question has slept with this particular girl’s mother, stalked her, and broke up her wedding, happiness is a little more complicated. A fact illustrated beautifully once the initial euphoria wears off and our two main characters are left to realize what they’ve actually done. The last shot of their faces is what makes this ending so incredibly perfect.
1. The Usual Suspects- Classic. "The Devil's greatest trick was proving to the world that he didn't exist." all of that over Verbal getting out of the police station, limping away. The police finally find out that Verbal is Kayser Soze and that they've just let one of the most evil and dangerous men get away. The last image of Kayser slowly losing his limp and walking away free is one that isn't soon forgotten...

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