Monday, February 13, 2012

The Artist (2012) The Short of It Review- Veda Rains

Two weeks until the Oscars! A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of seeing this years' Best Picture front-runner: The Artist (do you see where this review is going? haha). It's new take on an old film form has captivated audiences across the globe and I was no exception.
I find that sometimes my favorite stories on film, are perhaps the most simple stories. It's the way the story is told and how each and every single element brings that seemingly ordinary story together to become an extraordinary story. The Artist is one of these stories.
Fans of Hollywood history and its transition from silent films to talkies immediately are transported back to that time where George Valentin, a silent film star who has it all, comes to terms with the harsh reality that silent films are on the outs. While George is on the way out, Peppy Miller is on her way in, having had a small role in one of Valentin's films, she never forgets Valentin, even as she becomes Hollywood's "it" girl. Both Jean Dujardin and Bérénice Bejo play these roles exceptionally well. As this is a (for the most part) silent film, the actors have masterfully balanced the challenge/art of expressing their emotions in a way that is not over-the-top clown-like, but rather youthful, hopeful. I found myself immediately rooting for both characters.
Overall, this story is a (shall I say) magnificent piece of work! I think you, too, will be rooting for these characters. You'll share their joy, as well as their pain. And what makes this story/journey even better? It has a happy/uplifting ending! A rarity when it comes to films that gets such acclaim. So go see it! You may cry a little, but it just goes to show how heart-warming and spirited this film is. I can only compare it to Pixar films (that team is good!). You just come out of it feeling uplifted, happy, and almost better for watching the film. So go see it!

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