Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Revolution: Resolution! Start Writing.

Have any of you made New Year's Resolutions? Have you succeeded? I feel like I've fallen off the deep end with mine...but the realization that an awesome fellowship is just around the corner has me brightening up a little bit. Maybe I can follow through on this one, at least. So what fellowship am I talking about? It's a big one... The Disney|ABC Television Writing Program.

Sure, thousands (yes, thousands) of people enter each year in hopes that they will be one of the select few who have the opportunity to spend a year in television! But still! It seems like a fun exercise. From the official webpage: "The program is designed to expose writers to key executives, producers and literary representatives – all essential in the development of a writing career. Additionally, while in the program, writers have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a current programming or development executive to create spec scripts of series from the current broadcast season. The ultimate goal is to prepare the writers for television staffing."

Now I know my writing has a long way to go before I even have a shot at being selected, but maybe entering the fellowship will help me meet some of my goals: having a few spec scripts under my belt that I can keep shaping, and having a deadline to help me have those scripts ready.

So when will Disney/ABC begin accepting applications? May 1st-31st. Put it on the calendar! The applications, however, won't appear until May 1st. If you want to bookmark the homepage so you can get right to the applications come May 1st, click here.

I'm excited! I hope you are too! Let me know if you plan on entering.

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