Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bad Recomendations - Joan Finch

By and large the source of most bad recommendations is the trailer. Whether its a television promo or feature trailer the one thing you can count on is that they are going to lie to you. How much is relative but you can be sure they aren't going to show you the bad. Its like politics in that way. The more you participate in the process the more apt you are to see a sucker coming a mile away.  It they tell you the whole story in the trailer, if they rely too heavily on action sequences, if you can figure out the ending from the minute and a half video clip....that's a BAD sign.
Its far more difficult to avoid the bad recommendations when they come from friends. These people know you, right? Whoever suggested The Ninth Gate and Silent Hill to me really should rethink the giving recommendations ever. If there's anything I dislike more than horror films with no plot I could think of them after watching these two flops.
But there is a way to avoid this misleading pitfall.  Get to know what your friends favorite and most watched films are. For example I won't consider the advice of anyone whose watched more than one of the Hostle or Saw series. People who know me know my most watch tv shows and films because I talk about them. The slightest references sends me into an hour long rant about how great Doctor Who is, How unexpectedly awesome Pandorum was, & How the brilliant Joss Whedon should be my pen pal, etc. If you like your friends favorites than your onto a good source of recommendations. And hopefully, won't find yourself considering the quickest path to the theatre exits.

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