Friday, December 19, 2014

Web Series Now Online!

Our web series is now up and running on YouTube for FREE!  It's mystery, horror and above all, interactive! So check it out and play to your heart's content by clicking on the beautiful poster created by the ever so talented Livvy Runyon!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Web Series Screens Today!

Sometimes life throws curve balls your way that force some things to be put on hold. But fear not!
We have finally completed the web series, "The Estate" and it is going to be screened tonight.

We're also working on getting the series online this weekend! Once all of the kinks are straightened out, you can bet we will share it right here!

Thank you so much for your patience as we complete this years-long endeavor. Of course, the next step is to get a DVD out with some special features (a collection of our vlogs, behind-the-scenes, etc.), so stay turned for that as well!

Before we get the series online, enjoy our trailer right here. Right now. Just below this text:
(We had planned on getting the series out by the end of November so ignore the release date - just a couple weeks off!)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Vlog Update: It's Almost Halloween!

While we might not have the web series complete yet, we do have a couple of fun items to share this Halloween week. Enjoy the latest vlog update!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Updates & Big Favor to Ask

Hi Everyone!
While, we haven't posted on here since January, we have been updating our Facebook page over the past 9 months. To get you up to speed:

We searched and finally found our house to complete the web series in March! Shooting kicked back in mid-April and we completed filming in May. Now we've been editing and have rough cuts of the majority of the episodes! We're entering the color correction, special effects and audio/music editing portion of the project.

As we get closer to completion, we have a plea: In order to give you the full viewing experience of our series, THE ESTATE, we need one of our videos on YouTube to reach 1,000 views. Below is the latest video. Please share it with your friends so we can make this happen. Also, it's our latest update with special guests (and leads in our series): Tarrah & Megan!

Watch our latest vlog!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year!

Well, here we are... Another year gone by and a few months without posting! Sorry about that. Time truly does fly when one is having fun.

I thought I would share an update on our web series: THE ESTATE. We're about half-way through filming, and are hopeful we will have an October 2014 debut. Our initial goal was October 2013, but we ran into some trouble with finding a home for the "interior" portions of the shoot.

If you live in the mid-Missouri area (within 30-40 minutes of Columbia) and are interested in sharing your home, drop me an email at:

Or, if you have a friend who would be interested in offering up their home, please pass along my email to them!

Ideally, we're looking for a two-story home with the stairs leading up to the second floor near the front door. However, we are willing to work with what we can get if it fits the story!

Check out our YouTube channel for our behind-the-scenes vlogs to see where we've been and where we're going. Hopefully you'll see a new vlog in the next month, until then, put the word out about our house hunt and 'Like' us on Facebook: